Handbook of Immune Response Genes
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Handbook of Immune Response Genes
In a vast and rapidly growing body of information, the researcher, clinician and student need resources which bring into focus the latest developments in our understanding of the vertebrate immune system. A concise and up-to-date reference, Handbook of Immune Response Genes does just that. Starting with a brief overview of specific components of the immune system, the authors lead readers toward an understanding which suggests further study. Extensive referencing and a detailed table summarizing the list of CD antigens reinforce this goal.
Basic Immunology Book
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Folks often have difficulty memorizing the various Hepatitis B serologic markers and their related clinical states. It is imperative that you understand this because it’s one of the most common serologic tests performed in the laboratory. You have undergone this testing if you’ve ever worked/volunteered/trained in a healthcare facility! The chance of coming across a question on the exam is very high. These are easy points.
Any lab science review book will explain the details. I only hope to make the memorization palatable. Look at the following diagram of Hepatitis B. It consists of a surface antigen, an envelope antigen, and a core antigen. Antibodies are formed against these various components at different times – either in the acute, recovery, or chronic phases of infection.
memorize this little square and you’ve already put some points in the bank!