Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010 In this article In the Calendar module of Microsoft Outlook and when you use the Scheduling Assistant, some calendars of shared mailboxes or rooms display working hours as having a grey background while other calendars display working hours as having a white. The standard Outlook work weekdays are Monday-Friday, and work hours are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The Scheduling Assistant uses this information to show your availability when someone wants to schedule a meeting with you.Skype for Business can forward your phone calls.
To change your working days and working times in Outlook, do the following:
1. On the File tab, click the Options button:

2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, on the Calendar tab,under Work time:
- Modify Work hours
- Select workdays by checking of days
- Choose First day of week and, if it needed, First week of year
For example:
To verify the new settings, create a meeting request, and click the Scheduling Assistant.It will show the updated work hours and display Monday as a non-working day for you. However,only Exchange users get the full benefits of work time settings because it allows other usersto check this information in the Scheduling Assistant.
See also this tip in French:Comment modifier les jours ouvrables dans le calendrier Outlook.
-->In the Calendar module of Microsoft Outlook and when you use the Scheduling Assistant, some calendars of shared mailboxes or rooms display working hours as having a grey background while other calendars display working hours as having a white background. This issue occurs while Outlook is connected to Microsoft Exchange Server. In other clients, such as Outlook Web App (OWA), the working hours of all calendars are displayed as white.

Original KB number: 4488050
More information
This behavior is expected if the following conditions are true:
- Outlook is connected to a newer version of Microsoft Exchange Server that hosts mailboxes and calendars.
- The working hours of the client and the mailbox are in the same time zone.Outlook cannot yet handle all the new elements that are used by newer versions of Exchange Server. These elements include WeekDays, WeekendDays, and AllDays.For more information about the new elements in Exchange Server, see [DaysOfWeek Enumeration](/previous-versions/office/developer/exchange-server-2010/ff343675(v=exchg.140).
Workday Outlook Calendar
Microsoft is aware of this issue and will update this article when a fix becomes available.