Yandere Simulator Controls. For Keyboard: WASD to move the character. Move the mouse to move the camera. Hold Left Shift to run. Tap Left Ctrl to laugh. Tap repeatedly to laugh louder. Hold the Left Ctrl key to activate Yandere Vision. Hold down the right mouse button to take out your smartphone. Click the left mouse button to snap a picture. Easter Eggs are fun surprises in Yandere Simulator that the player must activate in order to use. YandereDev has included many Easter Eggs in the debug builds of the game. They include wearable accessories for Ayano Aishi, game modes, a small timed event at the starting menu, references to several anime characters or in-game jokes, and a phantom. Easter Eggs are fun surprises in Yandere Simulator that the player must activate in order to use. YandereDev has included many Easter Eggs in the debug builds of the game. They include wearable accessories for Ayano Aishi, game modes, a small timed event at the starting menu, references to several anime characters or in-game jokes, and a phantom.
New Yandere Simulator is a simple game for show the people same tips of yandere simulator game. Adventure action running game with yandere school and yandere simulator the real game, This game is a super fun running platformer game. Yandere simulator game is one of the top action games of the year, try to get coin with yandere school and finish. Yandere Simulator - Black Ceramic Mug. $13.99 Lovestruck Logo - Ladies T-Shirt. From $21.99 Lovestruck Logo - Unisex Pullover Hoodie. $39.99 Lovestruck Logo - Unisex T-Shirt. From $21.99 1 2 3 Next. Creators Welcome. Learn why creators trust Crowdmade with their merch.
If you remember being a teenager, you know that it’s a hard time for every person. Your soul is a constant battlefield for many different feelings, and love can turn into rage any second pushing you to actions that are not quite adequate. At moments like that, the whole world seems to be against you, and you don’t hesitate to square with your enemies, no matter what it takes… The main heroine of Yandere Simulator is an emotionally troubled schoolgirl who is going through a tough period. She is in love, but the object of her tender feelings doesn’t seem to notice her. Even worse, there are ten other girls that also have a passion for him! You are determined to win the sympathy of your beloved and you decide to remove your competitors one by one.
Steal you beloved one from other suitors!
The whole story unfolds on a school campus where you are free to roam, do anything you want and communicate with other characters. There are lots of students in the school, but it’s only the guy of your dream and your rivals that really matter for the gameplay. Others, however, may prove either useful or harmful for implementing your plans. So you shouldn’t completely disregard them, as well as ignore characters like teachers and other adults. The world of Yandere Simulator is rather complicated, full of different personalities, their actions and various events that you have to somehow react to and take respective measures. Every time the plot will give you several options of how to behave. It’s up to you to choose a line of strategy that suits you best. Whether you want to be friendly and popular or enjoy the role of a grim loner who is no stranger to brutality, you can realize the potential of the main heroine from any side.
The goal of the game is to make Taro fall in love with Ayano and basically become her boyfriend. But to achieve that, you need to take care of your rivals first. There are ten of them, each with a different background, character and reputation at school. They also have a different relation to Taro – some of them barely speak to him, others are his close friends. You should keep that in mind deciding which method to use against this particular competitor.
Kill your rivals if you must!

Ayano is a desperate girl, so she can go to any length for her purpose. But she is afraid to lose her reputation, so she will try to do any dark things secretly and quietly. Of course, there is no guarantee nobody will catch you red-handed, and then you will have to think how to deal with an unexpected witness as well. And by red-handed, we really mean blood! Although there are ways to get a rival out of your path without resorting to violence – for instance, pretend of being her friend or setting up a date for her with another guy – most players prefer to try themselves at brutal killings. After all, it’s anime! You can use any weapon to do – a knife, axe, syringe, your own hands. There is an option to cunningly set everything off as an accident or suicide. It only depends on your ingenuity! Remember – you have just a week to deal with another girl in Yandere Simulator. Be smart and determined, and Taro will be yours!
- Title: Yandere Simulator
- Category: Role Playing, Romance
- Developer: YandereDev
Download from Official ZIP / Yandere Launcher (Windows only)
Yandere Simulator can be considered a stealth, action game, in development by YandereDev. The game is currently being developed in Unity, and is slowly being updated on a month-to-month basis, with the amount of new content varying.
The premise for the game is you play as schoolgirl, Ayano Aishi, who’s nicknamed Yandere-chan after the Japanese term “yandere”. Yandere refers to a girl (mostly) who is willing to harass, harm, or even kill due to their romantic attachment to their crush. This term takes its form in gameplay by having the player control Yandere-chan, who must eliminate any and all girls who might show an interest in “Senpai”.
Date: Jan 17, 2017
Filename: YandereSimJan17th-2017.zip (791.2mb)
Download from MEGA
Date: Sep 12, 2016
Filename: YandereSimLauncher.exe (Download Launcher)
Download from Google Drive
Date: July 13, 2016
Filename: YandereSimJuly13th.zip (721MB)
Download from Google Drive
Date: June 6, 2016
Filename: YandereSimJune6th.zip (791MB)
Download from Google Drive
Latest version: May 7, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMay7th.zip (733MB)
Download from Google Drive
Latest version: May 2, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMay2nd.rar (584MB)
Download from MediaFire
Latest version: April 15, 2016
Filename: YandereSimApril15th.rar (584MB)
Download from MediaFire
- If Yandere-chan giggles, and an NPC hears the giggle, but can’t see Yandere-chan, the NPC will become curious and will walk over to investigate the source of the mysterious giggle.
- Fixed bug that would cause students’ bodies to tilt at extreme angles if Yandere-chan spoke to them while standing at a significantly higher or lower elevation.
- Fixed bug that would allow the player to peek into Info-chan’s room by pressing their smartphone camera up against the door.
- Fixed animation bug that would occur if a Hero performed a takedown on Yandere-chan while she was near Senpai.
- Fixed bug that would cause the mysterious laptop girl’s text to remain oscreen after the end of her speech.
- Fixed bug that would prevent Yandere-chan from being able to wear gloves with her sixth uniform.
- It is now possible to join the Gaming Club and activate their Club Benefit.
- It is no longer possible to kill Senpai with a Falcon Punch.
- Added a “Stats” screen to Yandere-chan’s phone.
Latest version: April 4, 2016
Filename: YandereSimApril4th.zip (719MB)
Download from Google Drive
- Fixed bug that was causing students to get stuck on pillars while walking near walls.
- Added new phone artwork for the pause screen and cut-scene where Yandere-chan meets Info-chan.
- Changed pause screen menu so that it uses a grid of phone icons instead of using a text menu.
- Fixed bug that caused a whistle to appear around girls’ necks in their Student Info portraits.
- Fixed camera-clipping issue near the bulletin boards that display club posters.
- Fixed bug that would cause students to get stuck on the cardbox box / desks in one of the hallways on the third floor.
- Fixed bug that would cause the camera to get stuck if the player pulled out their smartphone camera as a delinquent was approaching.
- Fixed bug that would cause the button prompt icons in the basement to not leave the screen when Yandere-chan walked near them.
- Fixed bug that would allow the player to escape a delinquent by laughing as the delinquent was approaching.
- Added support for 4:3, 5:4, and 16:10 monitors.
Latest version: March 17, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMarch17th.zip (707MB)
Download from Google Drive
Yandere Sim Download
- Changed the hair color of the corpses at the title screen.
- Added fire extinguishers to the school.
- Removed the “Warning” scene.
Latest version: March 5, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMarcstrongth.rar (562MB)
Download from OneDrive
Yandere Sim Ps4
by Strawberry-Guro