Yuzu was working great a couple of days ago, now it crashes every time I try to start any game. My drivers are all up to date and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck. I'm running the Windows 10 build 19042.985, Geforce GTX 970, 20 GB ram, I7 4770. Not sure what the deal is.

To use this list, press Ctrl-F and then type in the error code from yuzu. This should look similar to XXXX-XXXX
where the Xs represent numbers and letters.

- NEW version Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator for smartphone with Android OS. Info: This is the first Nintendo Switch emulator Project compatible with Android; (see also Switch emulator for iOS devices) The mobile version is still experimental, but is able to start most games: as Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
- Enhance your Learning Experience with Yuzu by Barnes & Noble. Yuzu® is a learning platform that delivers an enhanced digital reading experience with access to a broad digital catalog.
- Answer to Yuzu Reader: Human Anatomy X DOW Lecture Exam 1.
Yizuu Website
Key Errors
Please use the general how-to guide, which includes instructions on dumping the necessary files from your switch to have yuzu derive all of your keys,
For all: If you try to run recent games and you haven’t done the key derivation process recently, you may need to redump and rerun it as newer games use newer keys only available on newer firmwares. Getting an incorrect key means you might have a bad dump of your switch’s files. Try again and if it persists, contact the discord. If you are missing the titlekey or an update won’t load, sometimes updates change the titlekey between versions – either way redump and if that doesn’t work contact the discord/devs.
Error Code | Name |
0008-000C | ErrorMissingProductionKeyFile |
0008-000D | ErrorMissingHeaderKey |
0008-000E | ErrorIncorrectHeaderKey |
0008-0011 | ErrorMissingTitlekey |
0008-0012 | ErrorMissingTitlekek |
0008-0014 | ErrorMissingKeyAreaKey |
0008-0015 | ErrorIncorrectKeyAreaKey |
0008-0016 | ErrorIncorrectTitlekeyOrTitlekek |
0008-0018 | ErrorNCANotProgram |
Other Common Errors
Error Code | Name |
0008-001C | ErrorNullFile The file your are trying to use is empty and contains no data. This is a sign of a bad copy or corrupt storage device. |
0008-001D | ErrorMissingNPDM Ensure that your rom directory has a file called main.npdm . This is used to determine key info about how to run the game and is required to run. You may need to redump if you deleted this. |
0008-001E | Error32BitISA The game you are trying to run uses the 32-bit ARM architecture, which is not currently supported by yuzu. |
0008-0029 | ErrorNAXInconvertibleToNCA The NAX file you are trying to run is not a game but in fact a save file. Double check your files. |
0008-002A | ErrorBadNAXFilePath You can only execute games that are NAX encrypted if they are left in the original directory structure from the SD card ( registered/<hex digits>.nca/00 ). The hex digits contain needed data to decrypt the game properly. |
0008-0039 | ErrorMissingBKTRBaseRomFS You are trying to run a game update, which isn’t possible. To use a game update, instead go to File > Install file to NAND… and select the update from that menu. After it’s done, launch the base game and yuzu will apply the update. |
Corruption Errors - All of these errors are indicative of a bad/corrupt dump. If there are no special instructions, try redumping. Should the error persist contact the devs/discord for help.
Error Code | Name |
0008-0004 | ErrorBadNPDMHeader |
0008-0005 | ErrorBadACIDHeader |
0008-0006 | ErrorBadACIHeader |
0008-0007 | ErrorBadFileAccessControl |
0008-0008 | ErrorBadFileAccessHeader |
0008-0009 | ErrorBadPFSHeader |
0008-000A | ErrorIncorrectPFSFileSize |
0008-0013 | ErrorInvalidRightsID |
0008-0017 | ErrorXCIMissingProgramNCA In some rare cases, this has been known to appear with missing keys. Try rederiving your keys and if that doesn’t work contact the devs. |
0008-0019 | ErrorNoExeFS |
0008-001A | ErrorBadXCIHeader |
0008-001B | ErrorXCIMissingPartition If you trimmed your XCI, it might have been done improperly. Try avoiding trimming. |
0008-001F | ErrorNoRomFS |
0008-0020 | ErrorIncorrectELFFileSize |
0008-0021 | ErrorLoadingNRO |
0008-0022 | ErrorNoIcon |
0008-0023 | ErrorNoControl |
0008-0024 | ErrorBadNAXHeader |
0008-0025 | ErrorIncorrectNAXFileSize |
0008-0031 | ErrorNSPMissingProgramNCA |
0008-0032 | ErrorBadBKTRHeader |
Yuzu Reader Not Working
Less Common General Errors - You should not expect to see these unless you are doing more than just playing games
Yuzu Reader Apk
Error Code | Name |
0008-000F | ErrorNCA2 The NCA you are attempting to load is using an older format that is not currently supported. If you would like support to be added, consider filing an issue. |
0008-0010 | ErrorNCA0 The NCA you are attempting to load is using an older format that is not currently supported. If you would like support to be added, consider filing an issue. |
Less Common Key Errors - Below errors should not be obtained if using the normal key derivation process (which is highly encouraged for newcomers), but if you are not using it these errors will make sense to you.
Error Code | Name |
0008-002B | ErrorMissingSDSeed |
0008-002C | ErrorMissingSDKEKSource |
0008-002D | ErrorMissingAESKEKGenerationSource |
0008-002E | ErrorMissingAESKeyGenerationSource |
0008-002F | ErrorMissingSDSaveKeySource |
0008-0030 | ErrorMissingSDNCAKeySource |
Internal Errors - Should never be seen ever. Report to the devs immediately.
Yuzu Reader Down
Error Code | Name |
0008-0000 | Success |
0008-0001 | ErrorAlreadyLoaded |
0008-0002 | ErrorNotImplemented |
0008-0003 | ErrorNotInitialized |
0008-0026 | ErrorNAXKeyHMACFailed |
0008-0027 | ErrorNAXValidationHMACFailed |
0008-0028 | ErrorNAXKeyDerivationFailed |
0008-0033 | ErrorBKTRSubsectionNotAfterRelocation |
0008-0034 | ErrorBKTRSubsectionNotAtEnd |
0008-0035 | ErrorBadRelocationBlock |
0008-0036 | ErrorBadSubsectionBlock |
0008-0037 | ErrorBadRelocationBuckets |
0008-0038 | ErrorBadSubsectionBuckets |