The New Solar Return Book Of Prediction

  1. The New Solar Return Book Of Prediction
  2. The New Solar Return Book Of Prediction Pdf
  3. The Solar Return Book Of Prediction

5.0 out of 5 stars Solar returns - Interpreting Solar Returns: Predictions: key book of Active Astrology. Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2011 Ciro Discepolo, author and founder of the School of Solar Returns (ASR) explains how and why is good to travel for the birthday. In the opinion of the Author this book should be studied together with the other, titled “Transits and Solar Returns”, because this one is, over all, about the technique of Solar Returns, starting from the meaning of a Solar Return and continuing with the calculations to get a SR (Solar Return), and a lot of related technical problems like: “By What Strength a Solar Return Works.

The Solar Return Book of Prediction (And Essays on Meditation) 1st Edition by Raymond Merriman (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings. Why is ISBN important? The New Solar Return Book of Prediction(revised edition). Merriman's revised edition of 'The Solar Return Book of Prediction' is the astrologers indespensible textbook for delineating 'solar returns'. It also explains timing the 15 month period of the 'return' using primarily the moon's aspects to 'solar return' and 'natal' planets - to the point events are predicted to the month and day! Veronica's Books (US) Bookseller Inventory # 046654 Title The Solar Return Book of Prediction (And Essays on Meditation) Author Merriman, Raymond Allen Format/binding Paperback Book condition Used - Very Good Binding Paperback ISBN 005 ISBN 706005 Publisher Seek It Pubns Place of Publication West Bloomfield, Michigan, U.s.a.

The Planets and Their Positions in the Solar Return

What is the ascendant of the solar return? Where does its ruler lie in the solar return and in the natal? Is it on an angle? If so, then there is more action concerning the year and its activities. When you look at the solar return chart is it primarily angular, succedent, or cadent? What aspects are formed between the ruler of the solar return and the other planets? More challenging aspects might suggest more challenge, and, actually more that gets done regarding that ruler. If they are supportive aspects, then things flow between the ruler of the solar return and the other planets.

When a natal planet is in a tight orb to a solar return planet, this is significant, and it enhances the meaning of the solar return. In a book written by Deanna Rose , she states that a concentration in angular houses suggests the ‘gains that you work for in the coming year’. A concentration in the solar return succedent houses suggests talents acquired (i.e. acquisitions) this year, and, finally, a concentration of cadent houses, suggests the planning, thinking, studying, licensing required for the future. These are opportunities to gain strength for the future. Lynn Bell, of course, suggests that angularity suggests action. She states that “any planet conjunct an angle in the solar return helps shape the Sun’s purpose for the year ahead.”

Now when looking at the planets in the solar return, it is important to measure where they are geographically. In other words, say Saturn is at the tail end of the 7th house. There are several conclusions here:

  • Saturn in the solar return is where you will be tested
  • In this case, Saturn is in an angular house in the solar return, and, so, there are matters regarding relationships and Saturn issues. Perhaps this is the year for someone to set boundaries with others, to ally themselves with older individuals. In the old books, they even said that when Saturn is in the 7th, it suggests marriage to a widower J .We don’t know if this is true or not, but what we do know is that since Saturn is at the doorway of the 8th house, one of two things are suggested.
  • It is very clear that by transit Saturn will hit the solar return 8th house cusp at some time in the next year if it is close enough. Deanna Rose suggests that the 8th house represents a ‘crisis’ during the solar return year that deals with others’ monies, funds, working for an inheritance, or, just learning about discrimination regarding partnerships, legacies, spending, etc. So transiting Saturn could trigger such issues.

As far as the position of a planet in a solar return house, you need to check if it is close to the cusp, in the middle of the house, or, later in the house (how to calculate precisely when planets progress backwards to the solar return cusps is discussed earlier in this lesson). When exploring this with a client, it is important to clarify the differences and to help them focus on preparation regarding the placements of these.

The Moon in the solar return will be discussed later, but what about the other planets? The placement of Mercury in the solar return indicates the area in which the mind is engaged for this coming year. Since Mercury only travels 28º from the Sun, watch to see the distance between the Sun and Mercury to see if Mercury is about to go retrograde, or if it just went direct. This is important to know, as retrograde implication does shift the meaning of the Mercury during the course of the year.

The New Solar Return Book Of Prediction

Where Venus is placed is where a lot of value will be placed during the year. It is where you will get attention or strive to gain attention and be assertive regarding what you want in that area. It is also important to include in the delineation the houses that hold Libra and Taurus since Venus rules both signs. If Venus is far from the Sun, it is important to check the ephemeris to see if Venus went or is about to go retrograde in the solar return year.

Mars tends to be the area where you react, where you are motivated, where you are on task, and where you push forward, leaving no stone unturned. If Mars is angular, you may expend more energy in this area of your solar return chart. If Mars is almost at an opposition to the Sun, then it is about to go retrograde and this is important because this could slow down the actions of Mars until it goes direct during the year and catches up to where it left off (known as the shadow point). Always refer to the solar return house that Mars rules as well – either Aries or Scorpio, if using classical rulers.

Jupiter is where you experience opportunities. Include the houses that hold Sagittarius and Pisces in your delineation and remember that Jupiter is where you may also overindulge. Are there any aspects to Jupiter that contains this overindulgent tendency, such as a hard Saturn aspect, or, not? For any of these planets, it is important to qualify the aspects to it.

Uranus is where you break away, let go, wake-up and change. There tends to be restless anxiety in the area in which we find Uranus, particularly if it is aspecting one of the more personal planets in either the natal chart or solar return chart or both. Out of the blue opportunities can present themselves in the area in which we find Uranus and our responses in that area of the solar return chart can be extreme in nature. For example, Uranus in the second house might indicate that money comes in just as quickly as it goes out, but since Uranus represents the larger picture, the second house and the year’s theme of values and cash flow and possessions may rapidly change from one day to the next.

Neptune’s placement, particularly if there is a larger aspect cycle occurring (as in 2006 when Neptune opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter throughout the year), there may be major dismemberment in the area in which we find solar return Neptune as well as the area it rules (Pisces house). There can be dissolution OR creative inspiration as one moves towards a more spiritual perspective in that area of the solar return chart.

Pluto is a very slow-moving planet and its placement in the solar return chart indicates an area where one finds himself drawing boundaries and pushing for the more personal choice that empowers them during the course of the year.If Pluto is aspecting one of the planets, particularly the Sun, then the aspect it is forming with the Sun this year may also be a similar aspect that it forms to that Sun in the following year since Pluto only moves 2º a year max.It may be found in a different house in the following year, of course, but the aspect may be a longer-term aspect, because of its very slow movement. The two houses where Pluto is placed in subsequent years should be observed.Its appearance in the solar return directly relates to your ability to transform your life in that area if you are willing to face the issues that keep you from making those changes.

Moving the Sun through the Solar Return

Another way to use the solar return, since it is, in fact, the Sun’s return to its natal position, is to watch the Sun as it transits the solar return’s cusps and planets through the year. When it aspects other planets in the solar return this to is important, particularly if there are challenging aspects such as squares and oppositions, particularly with such transits as the transiting solar return Sun opposing Mars or Pluto, or, squaring them….this is a theme than runs concurrently throughout that particular year. Ask in what houses are these oppositions or squares occurring and you get even more information.

A fascinating study is to see which day (use an ephemeris to find this out), the Sun conjuncts each cusp of the solar return chart as well as each solar return planet. Of course, since the Sun is moving quickly, around 59’ 10” per day, this means that the aspect forms in a day applying, then the day it conjuncts the planet, and then the day it separates from the planet, lighting that planet up along the way. When the solar return Sun hits Venus, this could be a wonderfully social day, but the day it hits Saturn, or, Pluto, might be a day with Saturnian or Plutonian overtones.

On the day the transiting solar return Sun conjuncts the solar return Moon (again look this up in the ephemeris) it is similar to a New Moon, and, begins a new direction in the life for that specific year. The house in which this occurs is where that new beginning starts. You might want to make up a form or sheet that lists these events. There is also the ‘year’ that the solar return Moon IS conjunct the solar return Sun, forming a New Moon and this is a year of great changes and new starts for that person.

So…What about that Moon in the Solar Return?

The Moon moves an approximate trine aspect each successive year for each solar return. This usually keeps it in the same element. For example, if in one year the solar return Moon is in Pisces, the next year it will probably be in Cancer, or, starting in early fire, Leo. This means that every fourth year or so it changes elements.

When placing the solar return Moon into the solar return chart, note the house that holds Cancer on the cusp. These two work together. In addition, place the natal moon into the solar return chart as well.

The solar return Moon returns to its natal position about every 19 years, which is very similar to the nodal return cycle. This suggests that at 19 years of age, 38, 57, 76, and 95 the Moon returns to its own natal position. This means that in this year, the Moon may be more impacting bringing great change. These changes may come to the individual because of other peoples’ actions as well as their own. This change requires flexibility regardless of the Moon’s placement. The arena in which we find the solar return Moon becomes a reflection point and a lens for the Sun.

In addition, be aware of the year(s) where the transiting Moon is more ‘out of bounds’ than in bounds. This occurs when the transiting nodes are in either Aries or Libra or, possibly, Pisces or Virgo. The years in which the Moon is out of bounds are interesting years in that events take on an other-worldly, or, unusual events. On a larger mundane scale for the year, we see the Moon running regularly out of bounds and these are historically years when major political events or discoveries occur.

Integrating the Natal and Solar Return Chart

When you think about it, the solar return is the transiting chart to the natal chart. Many schools of thought suggest placing the Solar Return planets outside of the natal wheel, but then you lose the cusps of the solar return, which are important.A better way to do this is to immediately identify the line-up of the natal cusps with the solar return cusps by placing the solar return chart inside the bi-wheel and the natal planets and ASC and MC on the outside of the bi-wheel.In Volume 4 of the March and McEvers book, “The Only Way To Learn About Tomorrow”, they suggest placing the solar return planets in the outside wheel using the color ‘green’ and the natal planets on the inside using the color ‘red’.

As mentioned earlier, but worth mentioning again, the solar return cusp (not just the Ascendant), but any solar return cusp that lines up within a few degrees of a natal chart is significant. This suggests that that solar return house and that natal house have an affinity with each other. Their ruler and its placement in either the solar return or the natal chart also suggest some sort of affinity between the two houses and house rulers. The delineation for such a thing would be up to you the person delineating the chart for that year.

In our solar return example, note the natal chart on the top right and the solar return for the 23rd year on the bottom left. Notice how the natal 2nd house cusp is very close to the solar return’s 6th house cusp. During the course of this year, this young student worked as a waitress (6th house) to help with her ‘cash flow’ issues! She also studied, cloistered in a library, about 12 hours a day. The ruler, Saturn, placed in the natal 9th house (education) and the ruler of the solar return 2nd house, placed in the solar return 12th house, suggests that she pushed hard to get what she needed to get done. There was a difficulty with sleeping because she only had so much time during the day and during the entire year to complete her studies.

When we compare the two charts, it is important to compare natal planets to any solar return planets or the nodes, particularly if we see conjunctions between the two charts. It will be very common, year after year, to see the same Mercury or Venus because those two planets never run far from the Sun. But in this specific example, we see solar return Saturn at 27º Cancer conjunct the individual’s natal North Node in the natal 8th house at 24º Cancer 35’.This individual, though on a school grant, lived on a very strict budget for her living expenses.

In addition, solar return Uranus at 2º Pisces was square her natal Moon at 1º Gemini, and, she ultimately relocated her home from one coast to the other during the course of the solar return year, traveling cross country in her car. Early in the solar return year, there was upheaval with her family, and, later in the solar return year, it was resolved.

The examples we see in solar returns are not always as clear, but there are usually one or two very clear examples shining through the chart, particularly if there are many angular planets and, particularly, if any of the outer planets are aspecting any of the personal or solar return planets.

Wrapping up the Things That Come Back – Solar, Lunar and Other Returns

  • Solar Return Definition: The moment in any year when the Sun reaches its longitudinal placement in the natal chart.
  • Lunar Return Definition: The moment in any month when the Moon reaches its longitudinal placement in the natal chart.
  • Returns (in general): Whenever a planetary body returns to its original natal position. For Mercury, this can be once a year. For Saturn that is about 29.5 years. The moment that the planet returns to its natal position is when a chart is made for the ‘issues’ regarding that planet for that year.

In Summary:

  • At the moment in time that a planet reaches its natal position, we calculate a chart that signifies the energy around that moment and it is called a return chart.
  • For a Solar Return, this is a ‘snapshot’ of the prediction of events for the upcoming year until the next solar return.
  • For the Lunar Return, this is a ‘snapshot’ of the prediction of events for the next month until the next lunar return.
  • For other Return charts, again, this is a ‘snapshot’ of the return of that planet, whether it is Mercury, Saturn, or Uranus.
  • It is highly unlikely that we can have a Neptune or Pluto return in someone’s chart unless life is extended miraculously! J
  • Sometimes people precess the Solar Return, taking into account the precession of the equinoxes. This is a matter of personal preference. However, remember that when you calculate the natal chart, you don’t precess it if you are working tropically.
  • Solar Returns are usually effective for the location at which the individual resides.
  • There are some schools of thought that suggest that if you travel for the Solar Return to a more favorable location for the birthday, then that chart works. However, this hasn’t been found to be really true from several sources such as March and McEvers, etc.
  • When we review the Solar Return, we must take into consideration the natal chart as well and work with both of them.
  • Solar Returns begin to affect us approximately 3 months prior to the return date and set into place no later than 3 months after the return date.
  • When the Sun aligns with the outer planets in a tight aspect, such as Uranus conjunct, square or opposing the Sun, this is a year of significant change that relates to Uranian issues. Remember, too, that this is already happening in the natal chart, and, so WHERE it is in the solar return is significant.
  • Whatever the aspect relationship between natal Sun and natal Venus at birth, and, since Venus has an eight-year cycle, then this suggests that every eighth year of someone’s life, the same aspect relationship appears in their solar return. So around 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, etc., that the same aspect returns to the solar return.
  • At age thirty-three, the solar return Ascendant comes very close to its degree in the birth chart, and Saturn is usually in the same house if we calculate that solar return for the birthplace.
  • The Midheaven of the solar return will cycle through the same modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) for a few years in a row and then shift to another.
  • You will also notice that at each subsequent solar return, the sun moves backward into the previous quadrant and that it appears in the same type of house for a while. In other words, the solar return Sun may stay a few years in cadent houses, then a few years in succedent, then a few years in angular and not necessarily in that order. This is significant in that these houses express varied energies, the angular houses being the most action-oriented. The succedent houses are a time in which much is accomplished, getting something ‘done’ in that year regarding that house. And when in the cadent houses, a lot is going on and the individual should try to be as flexible as possible.
  • The solar return 8th pushes things to a point of confrontation and crisis, particularly if there is an emphasis in that house in any given solar return year.
  • The solar return 4th is crucial in terms of how you feel on a deep, psychological level. For example, if the Sun, or, Jupiter, or, Venus is there in the solar return year, then one might experience more comfort or peace. However, with Saturn or Mars there, they may not.
  • Watch where the nodes are in the solar return and the eclipses that accompany these. Measure off 90 days after those eclipses and the houses in the natal as well as the solar return in which they take place. These are points of crisis and consolidation.

Highly Suggested Reading:

  • Lynn Bell, Cycles of Light, Exploring the Mysteries of Solar Returns, Centre for Psychological Astrology Press, London, UK, 2005.
  • Marion March and Joan McEvers, The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow, Volume 4, ACS Publishing, San Diego, California, 1988, pages 128 to 206.
  • James Eshleman: Interpreting Solar Returns
  • Raymond Merriman: The Solar Return Book of Predictions
  • Nance McCullough: Solar Returns Formulas and Analysis
  • Mary Fortier Shea: Planets in Solar Return
  • Deanna Rose: Easy Predictions with Solar Returns
  • John Townley: Lunar Returns

Author Georgia Stathis

Georgia Stathis, BS Communications, Northwestern University; MBA, Pepperdine University.

Georgia Stathis ( specializes in business and natal astrology since 1977 with a strong background in investment and real estate. Georgia is both an investor and a consulting astrologer and is author of Business Astrology 101 and her brand new book(release date April 2018) entitledPushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases.

Georgia is a contributor to various journals like the Galactic Trader and the 2016 OPA book, The Professional Astrologer. She taught the undergraduate program at Kepler College for seven years and spoke most recently at UAC2018 and will be speaking again at 2019 NORWAC, 2019 NCGR in Baltimore and teaching at the Midwest School of Astrology and NCGR Miami in February 2019 and presenting a workshop to Friends of Astrology in Oak Lawn, Illinois on November 3, 2018.

A regular online teacher for such schools as Mayo School of Astrology, Breaking down the Borders and Astro Summit, she spends a lot of time doing research and writes a FREE newsletter for those who sign up at her website She is a board member of the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, whose mission is to preserve Hellenistic Culture and is also the chairwoman and one of the founders (with Urania Trust and Kepler) of the newly formed Alexandria iBase Project, whose mission is to preserve astrological literature for our peers for the future, a 501 C3 non-profit foundation, more information can be found at

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[1] Deanna Rose, Easy Predictions with Solar Returns, 21stCentury Metaphysical Publishing, PO Box 960, Mundelein, IL, 60060, 1982, page 3-5.

[2] Bell, page 5.

[3] SEE JPEG of 24 years of Solar Returns at Blackboard. Note how this plays out in this example.

[4] Bell, Page 94.

[5] Georgia Stathis, 2006 Astrological Appointment Book, The Professionals House, marked by dates.

Return to Part 1 of the article

The Solar Return and Progressed Solar Return Charts

By Robert P. Blaschke | November 15, 2010

They say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too, yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you

The Beatles; The White Album; November 1968; (Lennon/McCartney)

Turning 57 today and reaching his third Metonic Solar Return, your correspondent is happy to be alive. Having been given a terminal prognosis in December 2009, with the oncologist stating that there were only ten months left to live, this retired astrologer has spent the past year spiritually preparing for death, while practicing gratitude for each day that he is still alive and able to appreciate life.

At the ages of 19, 38, 57 and 76, one finds that he has completed a Metonic Cycle (1) and that his Solar Return will have both Luminaries in the same Zodiacal degree area as at birth. This cycle is significant in that it indicates a conclusion of a 19-year chapter of life, with a new opportunity to realign the soul with the original spiritual purpose of one’s life. At 57, what one has accomplished since the age of 38 will now feel like a distant past receding into one’s memory, as the soul takes on a new mission in life.

For this astrologer, having founded Earthwalk School of Astrology in February 1992 at the age of 38, his retirement from private practice and teaching due to his health problems feels like a major life cycle has concluded. The path to peace of mind can now be found through the willingness to accept a simple fact of life – all things must pass.

Similar to the 18.6-year precessional cycle of the Nodal axis through the Zodiac, in which the third Lunar Node return occurs just prior to the 56th birthday, astrologers know that the years between the second progressed Moon return at age 54 1/2 and the second Saturn return at age 59 are highly significant. Ideally, at that time, a transition in life takes place away from one’s career goals and the soul now moves toward the development of a philosophical understanding of the meaning of one’s life.

In his Solar Return today, your correspondent is delighted to find a 9th house accidentally dignified Jupiter (also in dignity in Pisces), stationary direct, and in close trine to the Sun. This most fortunate aspect with the greater benefic should bring the necessary contemplative reflection over the next year in order to perceive the meaning of his life; as well as also serving to preserve the health (ruler of the 6th house) while bestowing hope, the enjoyment of good friends, and having a positive outlook on life.

For an independent individual with nine planets Eastern in his nativity, it will be a year of appreciation for the relationships in his life with nine Solar Return planets in the Western hemisphere. A joyous 5th house Sun is exactly the ticket for a weary soul who has endured a lot of physical pain, and the retrograde Venus (ruling the 11th) in dignity in the 4th has already begun to show her stuff through the recent visits of old friends from high school coming to our house for delicious meals, a glass of French red wine, much laughter, lots of love, and fond remembrances of our youthful escapades and follies.

Lest he forget during lighter moments the Sword of Damocles that hangs over his head, in which further tumor recurrence and additional metastasis of the cancer could occur at any time, the exact conjunction of Pluto and the North Node in the 6th house of health should keep this astrologer unwavering in his appreciation for the gift of life, and help him stay focused through daily prayer about the possible nearness of his death at a time known only by his Creator.

The Solar Return is calculated for the exact time that the transit Sun conjoins the natal Sun each year. These charts, in order to be precise, must be calculated to the nearest degree, minute and second of solar Zodiacal longitude, as the Sun moves one minute of arc in about 24 minutes of time. A forecast for the year between birthdays can be found in these horoscopes, and they reflect the transits that are in place at the time of the birthday. These transits hold their influence for a full year.

The seriousness of your correspondent’s medical condition could be seen in the exact Saturn-Pluto square forming at his last birthday, with the greater malefic in the 6th house. Perhaps it was the Mutual Reception between the Sun and Mars that helped to strengthen the will to live. The chart ruler, Venus, in detriment and in an angular square to Mars, brought on a plethora of physical misery during the last twelve months; with Mars-ruled infections, rashes, inflammation, and acute physical pain being the crosses to bear. The closest aspect to the Sun is always crucial in the Solar Return, and the exact trine to Uranus provided the necessary metaphysical understanding about one’s preparation for death and dying.

At age 56, Uranus arrives at the waning trine to its natal position. This marks the 2/3 point in the 84-year Uranus cycle. Both Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti wrote (2) about the significance of this aspect and how it symbolized a possibility for a Third Birth, one in which the soul could ideally begin to “radiate through the personality that spiritual essence which was its destiny to manifest.” This would only be possible, however, if the individual had “assimilated into his conscious ego some of the contents of the collective unconscious” (since a Second Birth at the waxing trine of Uranus to its natal place at age 28).

Also at age 56, a multiple of eight years, a seventh Sun-Venus recurring synodic cycle commences and this is reflected in the Solar Return for that birthday by the Sun and Venus having both returned to the same Zodiacal degree area as at birth. An eight-year relationship cycle draws to a close, and a new karmic chapter begins. (3) At his last birthday, this astrologer had a 7th house Venus, within four degrees of his natal Venus, along with an angular Moon conjunct the Descendant, exact to 03′ of arc.

The happiest event of this past year has been the return from South Africa to the U.S. in April of my fiancée, Carol. Without her love, companionship and daily help with my disabled condition, I would have been unable to survive and weather the onslaught of the physical pain brought on by a severe and nearly lethal infection in September. Along with my 30-year old daughter, these two splendid women (who have a synastric Moon-Venus conjunction between their two horoscopes) have been the Light and Love of my life. (4) That Venus-Mars square, of course, produced some spectacular arguments; however, the affection and good feelings would always return soon afterwards! I have to say that with the 8th house Mercury, the thought of dying was on my mind constantly ever since I received the terminal prognosis.

Alan Leo, writing in The Progressed Horoscope, (5) spoke of one’s Progressed Birthday each year, when the transit Sun would conjoin the secondary progressed Sun. This event takes place as many days after your birthday as your age. He wrote that “in the case of highly strung and sensitive people, after the age of thirty these natives would perhaps live more through the progressed rather than their radical horoscopes.” Following this, Leo also stated that “it was not until the transit Sun had conjoined their progressed Sun each year that a renewed impulse of vitality and energy would be experienced.”

The above tri-wheel chart shows this astrologer’s nativity in the inner wheel, secondary progressions calculated for 56 days after his 56th birthday (15 November to 10 January = 56) in the middle wheel, and his Progressed Solar Return for January 10, 2010, when the transit Sun precisely conjoined his secondary progressed Sun, in the outer wheel. The two tables below the chart show that the calculation of the Progressed Birthday was made to the degree, minute and second of longitude for the transiting Sun. (6)

The Progressed Solar Return is every bit as relevant each year as the standard Solar Return. In fact, for sensitive souls, after the age of thirty, this Progressed Birthday horoscope may even be more accurate than the chart calculated at the birthday. In the case of your correspondent, the rising degree was exactly conjunct his Pluto during a year with death knocking on his door; the Moon was exactly conjunct his natal Sun, and a Sun-Venus superior conjunction occurred in a year when his fiancée returns; and retirement is clearly seen in this chart with a 12th house Mars. An angular Neptune is on the Descendant, rather fitting for Carol and the sacrifices she has made to love a guy in my condition.

Looking ahead, 57 days after my birthday today brings us to January 11, 2011. On that day, the transit Sun will conjoin my secondary progressed Sun, a day later than last year because I am one year older. The ruler of the Progressed Solar Return, an exalted Mars exactly conjunct my natal North Node, looks promising and with a Sun-Mars conjunction in the PSR 3rd house, Volume VI will perhaps get written.


(1) The Astrologer’s Astronomical Handbook; Jeff Mayo; L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.; 1965. After a period of 19 years, New and Full Moons recur on the same days of the year. The Metonic Cycle is 235 synodic lunar months, or 6939.69 days in length; exactly 19 years.

(2) Cycles of Becoming; 2nd Edition; Alexander Ruperti; Earthwalk School of Astrology; 2005.

(3) See the author’s Astrology: A Language of Life; Volume IV – Relationship Analysis for a more detailed analysis of this 8-year cycle.

(4) With a Fallen Moon and a Venus in detriment, both in Scorpio, the fiancée and the daughter were concerned with his possible death.

(5) The Progressed Horoscope; Alan Leo; L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.; London; 1906.

(6) Some astrology software programs will calculate transit-to-progressed aspects; but only to the day and do not include the time. One has to manually calculate exactly when the transit Sun and the secondary progressed Sun both arrive at the same second of arc.

© 2010 Robert P. Blaschke

The New Solar Return Book Of Prediction Pdf

Mr Blaschke is author of the Astrology: A Language of Life series in five books: Progressions; Sabian Aspect Orbs; A Handbook for the Self-Employed Astrologer; Relationship Analysis; and Holographic Transits. His books and class, lecture and workshop CDs can be found at: Earthwalk Astrology.

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29 Responses to 'The Solar Return and Progressed Solar Return Charts'

The Solar Return Book Of Prediction

The solar return book of prediction

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  • Thanks, Robert, for another great article, and best wishes from all the staff here at TMA!!

  • Dear Correspondent—Happy Birthday & Cheers to the Light and Love and coming Volume VI in your life!

  • Robert,

    I did not know of your illness. It is good that you have your loving woman and daughter and friends to help to see you through. Many blessings, Barbara

  • What a gift of time and energy to be giving us. You have inspired me to pay closer attention to all I love and cherish. Great love and blessings to you.

  • Dear Robert,
    Happy Birthday! You can count on my ongoing prayers for your health and well-being. I love your books – they continue to teach and inspire. Thanks much for the article as well.
    With love and respect,
    Doris Maat

  • Dear Robert,
    First off, Happy Birthday! I had the pleasure of talking to you on the phone several times right before your life changing events. I’ve been reading your articles and blogs wondering from time to time how you are. It is so womderful that you are celebrating your birthday today and sharing your charts with us. What a gift! As someone who is also turning 57 this year and embarking on a long awaited astrological career, it has been a priviledge and inspiration to cross paths. With love and blessings, Lauren

  • Dear Robert
    Happy happy birthday! thanks for writing a great article about a so seriously and hard time in your life.
    Best wishes
    PS. Hope you will have time and energy to write volume VI 😀

  • What a wonderful gift to the astrological community, Robert, for you to share your insights as you pass through this momentous time in your life. Thank you, and warm best wishes to you and yours.

  • Robert, You continue to give to and enlighten the astrological community. Thank you for this wonderfully informative article on a little known
    technique. You are a radiant star in our universe and I pray you will be with us many more years. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love and blessings to you and your cherished ones. MaryAlice

  • Robert, thanks. I always remember our time together in the OAA.

  • The Oregon Astrological Association wishes you the best birthday today Robert. We continue to send you healing vibes from one of your former residences across this beautiful country. I will announce your celebration of another birthday this weekend at our lecture. Keep your ears open to hear us sing Happy Birthday to you!
    Your old friend who gleefully shares the same age,
    OAA President, Robert’s former post

  • Namaskar Robert.
    Wisch you all the best!

    On the website: Cyberworld khaldea, they have published the lost writings of Dane Rudhyar. He, Dane, has a other view and experience on the solar return. You and others can read this article: Official birthday and solar return by D. Rudhyar

    with regards from Dhyana(Netherlands)

  • Robert, it’s wonderful to hear from you. You’ve been on my mind often as I hoped good health would return you.
    You’ve accomplished and contributed more in life than most could in a thousand. And for that I am ever grateful.

  • Happy Birthday, Robert.

    You’ve given me a sense of peace reading about your journey updates. You may not be teaching in traditional form, but you continue to shine your light and be a teacher in a more meaningful form, for me at least.

    Sending you healing light and love.

    Debbie Leaper

  • Happy Natal and Progressed Solar Returns to you!

    Every time I read your writings, I learn so much. Thank you for continuing to write, even during your pain and illness.

    Just yesterday on your birthday, I rec’d this email:
    “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live.”
    A synchronistic nudge for you to work on your legacy–Volume 6. I am praying for you.. with gratitude.

  • Happy Birthday, Robert. May you enjoy each and every day.
    Thanks for sharing your insight. May healing energy permeate you and light the way. Big Aloha from Hawaii.

  • Dear Mr. Robert Blaschke, Happy Birthday to you and thank you so much for your new article, in which we all can learn more about astrology, our loved discipline and art. I deeply hope that you can write in the future many new books for us and teach us more and more. You are an astrologer full of knowledge, wisdom, spirituality and light. Be sure that I’m sending to you many prayers from my country in Europe. May God Bless You ! Roberto Minichini , Italy

  • Robert,

    So good to hear from you again, you have been missed and I too did not know you were sick. I wish you all the best and thank you so much for your astrology classes a long long time ago in Portland and your support over the years as I learned astrology. Big big blessings to you and your family. Margaret

  • Belated happy birthday Robert; this was a wonderful article on a difficult subject. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with such clarity and dignity. I particularly enjoyed the way you threaded through several cycles and could see clearly how they were working together in your readings. Your approach to the eventuality of death is admirable. You are embracing the lessons without “giving up” as evidenced by your very much aliveness. I hope that I can do as well when faced with my own mortality. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for teaching. Thank you for being such a good example.

  • dear Robert-what a wonderful omen to have the Sun trine Jupiter on your birthday. Thank you for taking the time and effort to further teach us some of your wonderful insights and expand our working knowledge of this fabulous language we share. I love to take the time and follow up on everything you bring. I join the other friends and collegaues in wishing you a hale and hearty new year.

  • Dear Robert, Very Very Happy Birthday and Great Peace and Healing be with you.
    Many More Progressed days = a year for you. May you continue to bend time to your will, dance your purpose and may you write your future books as gifts of guidance for us all.
    wow! I am awestruck by your strength, honesty, spiritual maturity, grace, truth, power, strength and clarity.
    I will send Medicine Buddha prayers to you, Robert.

  • Dear Robert

    Very sorry to hear about your health problems, but I am glad to know you have so much support. Jupiter trine Sun means earth is not done with you yet! You will be in my prayers.

    P.S. You might check out to see if there is any information that might help you.

  • hi Robert

    I am so happy to see you still being productive and making the most of every day. I would be thrilled if you could send me something for memberletter or even if you give me permission to repeat this article. We are doing the November December issue now, which is totally on line, and this would be a wonderful article for the holiday season…or any other.

    Let me know

    love, ronnie

  • Dear Robert, Abundant blessings for your birthday and the years beyond! I’m so glad to see you are still posting!
    I met you about ten years ago at a small workshop in Portland, Oregon and signed up for your newsletter shortly after. I looked forward to that newsletter because it was so interesting, accurate and wise. When you stopped writing it a couple years back because of your health, I was very concerned for you and have sent you Light ever since. It clearly has been a harrowing and painful journey and I’m so glad you have had Carol and your daughter to help you recently.

    My very best to you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day!
    Bless, Bless…

  • Dear Roberto,

    Felicity! 🙂 Carpe diem! Happy Day! 🙂

    “Happy to be alive, practicing gratitude for each day, and, able to appreciate life”.

    … Music to my soul, sayeth my Sun tr Neptune (a habit I picked up from YOU, btw);) Congratulations on a successful LIFE,
    Mr. Blaschke!
    BE surrounded by LIGHT and LOVE the rest of your days BE peaceful Robert.
    Above all, experience CONTENTMENT
    on a soul level, knowing that you HAVE accomplished what you came here to do.
    Move through the threshold of your North Node without fear. It is there (I know you Will correct me if I am wrong, heh, teacher?) @26 Capricorn, I will meditate upon your passing. See you there my friend, no doubt, better people, heh?
    Finally, leaving the past, may you not have to repeat the challenging aspects you’ve had to endure this go around.
    For all to know, you devoted your life purely to the advancement of your knowledge. Pure, Virgoan precision and exactitude! 🙂
    Excellent, Mr. Blaschke! Bravo, Robert!

    Your teaching opened the universe within me. For that, I am eternally grateful.
    See ya later, dude. Until we meet again…


  • Thank you for your article. I’m glad the Pluto is sextiling the Moon, and the Saturn is sextiling the Mars, Mercury in the 2010 Solar Return. Wishing you more comfort, and health than you’ve been through.


  • I send some very belated Birthday Blessings to you. I found this article while googling Progressed Lunar Returns. Now I know a few other cycles as well.

    I’m very sorry to hear that your illness has caused you so much pain in the past year and hope that you are finding some relief by now. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. I sure do hope that you will write Volume 6. Your Progressions book is one of my favorites.


  • Dear Robert,
    I’m saddened to read about your illness. I’ve wondered why I hadn’t been receiving your excellent newsletters. We met in Ashland through Anne & Mary in 2001 and I’ve had the pleasure of having several sessions with you. Our birthdays are days apart so I’ve always appreciated your stellar insights.
    My prayers, thoughts and blessings are with you during this time. I’m so glad you are surrounded by loving family and friends.
    I’ve always been in awe of the volume and depth of your work over the years. But in this moment am just so deeply touched by the generous gift of yourself that you have so humbly bestowed on your community.
    Many, many blessings to you, dear soul.
    Follow your heart as you told me once.
    Marsha (in N California)

  • Dearest Robert,

    I am so very happy to find this- your updating article about you! It’s fascinating astrologically and helps us all to feel more at peace about what you have gone through and about what’s happening now. Amazing really.

    I miss your excellent astrological guidance more than I can express!

    With love, affection, and best wishes for the new year,
