Figure 2 identifies where the serial number for all 3.5x35 and 4x32 ACOG. Offers a thumb screw for quick release from the carry handle. 17 Installation Procedure - M16/AR-15 with Carrying Handle The special washer should be placed on the screw after the lock washer so that the. TriPower has a serial number located on the top of the battery compartment housing. AccuPoint line of riflescope serial numbers can be found on the bottom of the scope under the windage adjustment knob. Iron Night Sights are marked with 'Trijicon' and a two digit date code and do not carry serial numbers. May 30, 2011 Genuine Trijicon® ACOG® scopes can be identified by three distinguishing characteristics: Every ACOG® will be marked with the serial number on the top of the scope, both on the eyepiece and the main housing All Trijicon® ACOG® scopes have a statement on the left side of the unit indicating that the sight contains tritium.
> for president
> Written by a housewife from
> New
> Jersey and sounds like
> it!
> This is one
> ticked off lady..
> 'Are we fighting a war on terror
> or aren't we? ' Was it or was it not started by
> Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11,
> 2001?
> Were people from all over the
> world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered
> that day, in downtown Manhattan, across the Potomac from our
> nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania
> ?
> Did nearly three thousand
> men, women and children die a horrible,
> burning or crushing death that day, or didn't
> they?
> And I'm supposed to care that a
> copy of the Koran was 'desecrated' when an
> overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet?
> ...Well, I don't. I don't care at
> all.
> I'll start caring when Osama bin
> Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent
> people on 9/11.
> I'll care about the Koran when the
> fanatics in the Middle
> East start caring about the Holy
> Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi
> Arabia
> I'll care when these thugs tell
> the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg
> screamed through his gurgling slashed
> throat.
> I'll care when the cowardly
> so-called 'insurgents' in Iraq
> come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion
> by hiding in mosques.
> I'll care when the mindless
> zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the
> innocent children within range of their suicide
> bombs.
> I'll care when the American media
> stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow
> derived from international law instead of the United
> States Constitution's Bill of
> Rights.
> In the meantime, when
> I hear
> a story about a brave marine
> roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know
> this: I don't care.
> When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi
> prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing
> incident, rest assured: I don't
> care.
> When I see a wounded terrorist get
> shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be
> booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: I
> don't care.
> When I hear that a prisoner,
> who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed
> 'special' food that is paid for by my tax
> dollars, is complaining that his holy book is
> being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe
> in your heart of hearts: I don't
> care.
> And
> oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's
> spelled 'Koran' and other times
> 'Quran.' Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and-you guessed
> it-I don't care !!
> If you agree with this
> viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail friends. Sooner
> or later, it'll get to the
> people
> responsible for this ridiculous
> behavior!
> If you don't agree,
> then by all means hit the delete button. Should you
> choose the latter, then please don't complain when more
> atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great
> Country!
> And may I
> add:
> 'Some people
> spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the
> world. But, the Marines don't have that
> problem.' -- Ronald
> Reagan
> I have another quote that I would
> like to add AND.......I hope you forward all
> this.
> 'If we ever forget that we're One
> Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone
> under.' Also by.. Ronald
> Reagan
> One last thought for the
> day:
> In case we find ourselves starting
> to
> believe all the Anti-American
> sentiment and negativity, we should remember
> England's Prime Minister Tony
> Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by
> one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in
> America, he
> said: 'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look
> a t how many want in... And how many want
> out.'
> Only two defining forces have ever
The purpose of this article and its accompanying video is to educate consumers and retailers on how to spot the differences between real and fake Trijicon MRO and RMR optics. I could start this article with something like 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and Trijicon must be feeling very flattered…' but in reality, these fake optics hurt Trijicon, they hurt retailers, they hurt consumers, and they even hurt America. Allow me to explain.
Trijicon is hurt, of course, because consumers buy fakes thinking they're getting the real thing, thus taking money away from Trijicon. Those consumers are hurt for an obvious reason – they pay too much for an optic they were told was of a certain quality, when in reality it isn't. Retailers are hurt when unscrupulous people buy real optics, switch them for fakes in the box, then return the fakes for a full refund as cashiers and customer service counter folks often can't tell the difference.
You're probably with me so far, but how about America? How is America hurt by fake optics? Well, as I was discussing the MRO emitter position with a Trijicon manager, an idea suddenly popped into my head. When people buy fake optics, they're rewarding unscrupulous overseas companies and helping them produce better optics. These optic companies could then sell their new and improved products to just about anyone, including countries and organizations that would seek to do America and its people harm. These clone manufacturers are not like the European optics manufacturers that make quality products and compete above board. I try not to get on jingoistic soapboxes any more often than necessary, but I do see a real problem here.
Now, on to the meat and potatoes of the topic. When it comes to both optics- any fake optic, really – you're looking for details.

Starting with the MRO, you need to pay attention to things like the forge lines, the fit of the adjustment mechanisms in the body of the optic, the font used to mark things such as '1 click = ½ MOA' and so on. The fake MRO we use as an example in the video has GENERIC CHINESE INSTRUCTION MANUAL FONT for some of its laser markings, while the real Trijicon optic, needless to say, does not.
The adjustment mechanisms on the real MRO are black and fit perfectly in the body of the optic, both in terms of being level with and parallel to an imaginary line on the surface of the body as well as being perfectly centered within the holes in the body, while the adjustment mechanisms on the fake are silver in color and are not level or centered. The real MRO has a forged housing/body with corresponding forge marks. The fake isn't forged but has what almost appear to be file marks where the forge line would be, meaning they're trying to make it look as if the forge line has actually been removed in some quality control or manufacturing step, but Trijicon always leaves it intact. It's necessary for the fake to have file marks there because it's not actually forged and thus doesn't have that forge line to begin with.

The emitter on the MRO can be seen within the body of the optic at the rear and at approximately the 10:30 or 11 o'clock position as seen from the rear. Fakes can vary – some have it in this spot, but many place the emitter at the bottom of the optic, at the 6 o'clock position, including the one seen in the video.
You'll also want to look for details like the embossed MADE IN USA on the left side of the body and the trademark and copyright symbols accompanying the embossed Trijicon MRO on the right side. The fake is missing these marks.
Inside the battery compartment, the fake has a font which almost looks like Comic Sans saying 'Battery CR2032' – the real optic has no such markings. Also inspect the details here. A real optic exudes quality in manufacturing when you pop off the battery cap. A fake will give you little impressions here and there that something just isn't quite right.

Moving on to the Trijicon RMR, we're looking for many of the same things. The position of the adjustment mechanisms in the body and their being tool-less – this fake has allen wrench adjustment screws for windage and elevation – is a dead giveaway. So is the font with adjustment instructions. On this fake, MOA is a smaller font size than the rest of the sentence. The real optic maintains a consistent font and size.
Side by side, the windows of a real RMR are going to be thicker than that of a fake, generally speaking. You'll also want to check serial numbers – often times the fakes all carry the same one, so if you're looking at a big stack of optics at a gun show and they all have the same serial number, back away slowly.

On the underside, the RMR Type 2 has a battery compartment with a cool 'ninja star' design that Trijicon says will be hard to copy for a while. The real RMR (type 1) doesn't have this, but like the MRO, the quality of the manufacturing and assembly work here as well as the font looks top notch, while the fake is devoid of markings beyond a minus sign – note that this is the opposite of the situation inside the battery compartment of the MRO – and generally gives an impression that it's not been assembled by the A Team.
As mentioned above, the most crucial thing is to look for small details that just don't seem right, however minor they may seem at first. It's entirely possible that a fake optic manufacturer could watch this video or read this article and figure out how to make a better fake -but if they could make an optic truly as good as a Trijicon, they wouldn't need to sell counterfeit optics, they could come up with their own design and sell it under their own name.

The only winners in the fake optic game are people you wouldn't want to leave unattended around your children. Learn how to spot their tricks and you'll be better prepared to keep yourself or your business from making a costly mistake.